Today is a great fun for you again I hope you will like Blogger Widget got. It will show your blog to look at the bottom of each post you will need to use. Bloggers like me who think that they are browsing the widget seen before. However, the new style will be very new to them, it is true.
- First Login to your Blogger account.
- From the Dashboard, click Template.
- Please click on the Edit HTML tag.
- Many times you will find at the top of the tag, but the second time, after his find, or copy and paste the code below to put down.
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Socializer Widget By Blogger Yard
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<div id='byard-socializer'>
<div id='byard-socializer-title'>
Socializer Widget By Blogger Yard
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<font class='heading'>SOCIALIZE IT →</font>
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4. Come out now by clicking on the Save Template.
I hope I did not have any problems do let me know if any problems. If you like this post, please share it with your friends. If you like this today would be far better to stay healthy.
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